Games Workshop very kindly sent me a box of the new Dawnbringers “Phulgoth’s Shudderhood” box set, which contains the brand new plastic Harbinger of Nurgle as well as 5 Putrid Blightkinds and 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords. With time being at a premium thanks to a busy commission period for me and Continue Reading
New Releases
[Video] Dungeons & Doggies Kickstarter Unboxing!
My kickstarter box for Dungeons & Doggies arrived at the end of last week, and it’s fabulous. Join me as I take a look at the contents of this exciting set!
Mordheim: Warband Skirmish – Nintendo Switch Impressions!
Mordheim might not currently be around on the Tabletop, but how about if you fancy your fix of Old World skirmish based action? I take a quick look at Mordheim: Warband Skirmish on Nintendo Switch!
Gloomspite Gitz – NEW GROTS on the way!!
GW revealed a batch of the brand new Grot miniatures this boxing day, and they’re wonderful!
Digging the new White Dwarf look.
So, maybe it’s just appealing to my inner teenager from the 90s, but that red strip on the cover is totally pressing all the right buttons.
The new Delaque gang looks beautiful
How am I only just seeing these miniatures now?