Tag: Age of Sigmar

  • How I painted my Harbinger Of Nurgle in only one day!

    How I painted my Harbinger Of Nurgle in only one day!

    Games Workshop very kindly sent me a box of the new Dawnbringers “Phulgoth’s Shudderhood” box set, which contains the brand new plastic Harbinger of Nurgle as well as 5 Putrid Blightkinds and 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords.

    With time being at a premium thanks to a busy commission period for me and the house move, I wanted to get my Harbinger painted to a good standard but quickly enough that I could get it added into my army ASAP! In this short article I’ll show you how I did it! This won’t be a full step-by-step tutorial, although I am hoping to bring you more of those soon.

    I began with a full spray coat of Death Guard Green from a rattle can. This gave a nice unhealthy sickly colour to the whole model to start with. Next I moved onto the base colours.

    In order to move quickly, I focused on just getting base colours down for each area first. The cloth areas were painted over with Death Guard Green from the pot, the horse’s raggly hair and the raven were painted with Corvus Black.

    The wood & leathers were painted with Mournfang Brown and Thondia Brown, the armour with Incubi Darkness, silver areas with Leadbelcher, bronze with Screaming Bell, sore areas with Pink Horror, boils with Screaming Skull, and the horse fur with Rakarth Flesh.

    I also made a thin 50:50 mix of Corvus Black and Rakarth flesh to make a transitionary colour for the hair around the horse’s feet. I picked out the base with Mechanicus Standard grey for the rocks, Thondia Brown for the signpost, and Warboss Green for the slimy bitz.

    With all the base colours down, I moved onto an all-over Agrax Earthshade wash.

    This wash tied all the previous colours together and shaded them nicely. This would already be plenty nice for a tabletop gaming standard, but I decided to do some highlights to just bring out the details a little more and make the model feel more finished.

    Whilst this next step looks like a lot has happened, it’s actually surprisingly quick and simple to get to this level.

    I started with a drybrush over all the corvus black areas with Mechanicus Standard Grey, then a lighter drybrush with Dawnstone.

    The cloth areas got a highlight of 50:50 Death Guard Green and Krieg Khaki, before a few highlights of pure Krieg Khaki.

    The wood and leathers were highlighted by mixing Zandri Dust into the base colours and drybrushing and edge highlighting subtly with that mix.

    The silver areas got a quick highlight of Stormhost Silver, and I used thinned down Skrag Brown to add areas of rust.

    The armour was highlighted with Sotek Green. I also mixed a little more Warboss Green into Sotek and made a thin wash to apply over the bronze areas as verdigris.

    The sore areas got a quick layer of Berserker Bloodshade. I mixed a little Rakarth Flesh into this wash to make a sore color which I painted around the 3 big boils on the horses neck in a few thin layers.

    I overbrushed the front of the signpost with grey seer to make it look like it had been painted, then used Abaddon Black to write a town name on the signpost. 

    The rocky base got the same drybrush treatment as the horse hair.

    FInally I picked out a few extra details like the mushrooms on the base using Blood Angels Red contrast paint. I splodged a bit of Nurgles Rot onto the base and on the end of his scythe. And in the end, I was left with this result:

    I am very pleased with how the model came out for what was essentially just a one day semi-speed-paint. I hope this article encourages you to paint your own Harbinger or other Nurgle minis – why not share yours with the PaintSlam community in the discord?

    Thanks again to Games Workshop for sending me a free box of Dawnbringers: Phulgoth’s Shudderhood.

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!

  • Maggotkin of Nurgle – Vanguard Box Thoughts!

    Maggotkin of Nurgle – Vanguard Box Thoughts!

    Games Workshop kindly provided me with a preview box of the new Nurgle Maggotkin starter box, the first of the new Vanguard products which are in the same style and price bracket of the Combat Patrol boxes for Warhammer 40,000. I wanted to give my thoughts on the contents of the box, as a collector and painter of Nurgle for Age of Sigmar this product immediately appealed to me.

    First up, I won’t be speaking about any rules content here as I do not have the new Battletome yet – I’ll give my thoughts on that in the next week or two once it’s arrived.

    This post contains affiliate links, and the review product was provided free by Games Workshop.

    So inside this beefy box you get 18 miniatures:

    2 Pusgoyle Blightlords (RRP £40) – One can alternatively be assembled as a hero model.
    5 Putrid Blightkings (RRP £35)
    10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle (RRP £22.50)
    1 Spoilpox Scrivener (RRP £20)

    With the box going for an RRP of £78.50 this works out at a hefty saving of around £40. And as a collector and painter, you get a good mix of both daemonic and mortal units to get your brushes around.

    My favourite kit in this set is the Putrid Blightkings. Ever since they first stepped onto the battlefield during the End Times of Warhammer Fantasy, these models have stood head and shoulders as some of the coolest in the whole Warhammer range. Despite getting 5 models to a box, the kit is absolutely chock full of options when building them, meaning no two units are ever likely to be exactly the same in your army. These guys have been a key part of AoS Nurgle forces since the start, so having them in the Vanguard box already means you’ve got a very hard-hitting unit.

    Here you can see one of my units of Blightkings – there’s plenty of fun to be had with all the unique features across these models. Each is akin to a character model rather than part of an organised unit, so you could go to town with the details. You can see that I painted eyes in the belly of the bell-carrying fellow! I also added an Orruk skull to the shoulder pauldron of one of them, a trophy from a previous battle!

    The Plaguebearer kit is a little older, dating back to around 2012. It’s still a nice kit and a great way to get started painting if you’re a newer or less confident painter. You can achieve great results by simply giving them a paintjob with Contrast paints or even just washes if you prefer. You’ll definitely want to pick up more of these though – Plaguebearers generally work better in units of 20-30 models so to capitalise on these chaps you’ll need to expand with a couple more boxes of them. I’m assuming they’ll also buff up strongly with models like the Spoilpox Scrivener included with this set, as well as characters like the Sloppity Bilepiper.

    The two Pusgoyle Blightlords are the most eye-catching models in the box. Two huge, bloated rotflies being ridden by elite models in the same vein as the Blightkings. These are imposing and tall models with a lot of interesting textures such as fur, wings, bloated skin and worn metal armour. Easily the most intimidating of models to paint, but if you paint your Blightkings first you’ll be surprised how easily these models come together when you sit down to put paint on them!

    I’d recommend this video from Warhammer on Youtube if you need a hand on painting the wings of the rotflies – they’re large areas and definitely benefit from a bit of extra attention. The rotflies are a little trickier to assemble than most of the other stuff in the box, so take your time with them – the legs are a sort of ball and socket joint and it’s easy to knock them out of place if you rush the assembly.

    One last note that I really like about this box is you’ll end up with a LOT of spare bits and gubbins for your bits box. The blightkings in particular have so much stuff you’ll be able to use on your other Nurgle models!

    I’m not sure I’d change a lot about this box myself, if I was being picky I might say I’d prefer the Sloppity Bilepiper over the Spoilpox Scrivener because I like the model more – but it might be that the included model is the better choice from the Battletome.

    That said, I think this is a fabulous box for new and existing Nurgle players – it’s certainly just the boost my own force needed (in addition to the new Rotbringers Sorcerer).

    Will you be picking up the Maggotkin Vanguard box? Let me know in the comments if you’re grabbing one! As for me, I’m going to be waiting patiently by the door next Saturday morning hoping for my battletome and dice order to arrive!

  • A few recent things!

    A few recent things!

    It’s been a little while since I shared some of my recent work to the blog here, so here’s a little bit of an update on what’s been keeping me busy through the latter half of November and this first half of December!

    First up is this Kroot hero from the awesome Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress game. This is an ongoing job where I’m painting the models from the set alongside my other commissions. I had a lot of fun painting this guy – I’ve always loved the Kroot anyway and this model is super characterful!

    This is a miniature I’ve had my eye on for a while for my beloved Dark Angels. It’s the finecast version of the banner bearer that dates back to the mid to late 90s I think, possibly. However old it is, the sculpt really holds up nicely with an absolutely gorgeous banner that was a joy to paint. I placed him upon a piece of tall slate to help him stand out, especially considering he’s competing for attention against his Primaris bretheren now!! I had fun painting the chainsword – they definitely work better if you give them hazard stripes! 😀

    Next up, I painted this little lot here for the Gloomspite Gitz, two Mangler Squigs (one as a Loonboss), a Dankhold Troggoth and no less than six Rockgut Troggoths! I’ve painted the Troggoths before but this is my first time with the new plastic Mangler Squig kit (my previous one being the Finecast one from about 7/8 years ago!) and it was great fun. The squigs these days seem a lot more tadpole shaped rather than space hopper though, I think I prefer the “Space Hopper with Teeth” designs.