Tag: Games Workshop

  • How I painted my Harbinger Of Nurgle in only one day!

    How I painted my Harbinger Of Nurgle in only one day!

    Games Workshop very kindly sent me a box of the new Dawnbringers “Phulgoth’s Shudderhood” box set, which contains the brand new plastic Harbinger of Nurgle as well as 5 Putrid Blightkinds and 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords.

    With time being at a premium thanks to a busy commission period for me and the house move, I wanted to get my Harbinger painted to a good standard but quickly enough that I could get it added into my army ASAP! In this short article I’ll show you how I did it! This won’t be a full step-by-step tutorial, although I am hoping to bring you more of those soon.

    I began with a full spray coat of Death Guard Green from a rattle can. This gave a nice unhealthy sickly colour to the whole model to start with. Next I moved onto the base colours.

    In order to move quickly, I focused on just getting base colours down for each area first. The cloth areas were painted over with Death Guard Green from the pot, the horse’s raggly hair and the raven were painted with Corvus Black.

    The wood & leathers were painted with Mournfang Brown and Thondia Brown, the armour with Incubi Darkness, silver areas with Leadbelcher, bronze with Screaming Bell, sore areas with Pink Horror, boils with Screaming Skull, and the horse fur with Rakarth Flesh.

    I also made a thin 50:50 mix of Corvus Black and Rakarth flesh to make a transitionary colour for the hair around the horse’s feet. I picked out the base with Mechanicus Standard grey for the rocks, Thondia Brown for the signpost, and Warboss Green for the slimy bitz.

    With all the base colours down, I moved onto an all-over Agrax Earthshade wash.

    This wash tied all the previous colours together and shaded them nicely. This would already be plenty nice for a tabletop gaming standard, but I decided to do some highlights to just bring out the details a little more and make the model feel more finished.

    Whilst this next step looks like a lot has happened, it’s actually surprisingly quick and simple to get to this level.

    I started with a drybrush over all the corvus black areas with Mechanicus Standard Grey, then a lighter drybrush with Dawnstone.

    The cloth areas got a highlight of 50:50 Death Guard Green and Krieg Khaki, before a few highlights of pure Krieg Khaki.

    The wood and leathers were highlighted by mixing Zandri Dust into the base colours and drybrushing and edge highlighting subtly with that mix.

    The silver areas got a quick highlight of Stormhost Silver, and I used thinned down Skrag Brown to add areas of rust.

    The armour was highlighted with Sotek Green. I also mixed a little more Warboss Green into Sotek and made a thin wash to apply over the bronze areas as verdigris.

    The sore areas got a quick layer of Berserker Bloodshade. I mixed a little Rakarth Flesh into this wash to make a sore color which I painted around the 3 big boils on the horses neck in a few thin layers.

    I overbrushed the front of the signpost with grey seer to make it look like it had been painted, then used Abaddon Black to write a town name on the signpost. 

    The rocky base got the same drybrush treatment as the horse hair.

    FInally I picked out a few extra details like the mushrooms on the base using Blood Angels Red contrast paint. I splodged a bit of Nurgles Rot onto the base and on the end of his scythe. And in the end, I was left with this result:

    I am very pleased with how the model came out for what was essentially just a one day semi-speed-paint. I hope this article encourages you to paint your own Harbinger or other Nurgle minis – why not share yours with the PaintSlam community in the discord?

    Thanks again to Games Workshop for sending me a free box of Dawnbringers: Phulgoth’s Shudderhood.

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!

  • June ’23 PaintSlam Community Showcase! You will Marvel at the miniatures within!

    June ’23 PaintSlam Community Showcase! You will Marvel at the miniatures within!

    Well, it’s been a HECTIC few weeks for me. My partner and I moved into a new flat, which we’re currently still in the process of getting decorated and stuff. This, coming on the tail end of a bit of a heatwave in the UK means I’ve not been in much of a position to get much content put out – but that changes now! The computer is set up, the internet is due in a few days (currently hot-spotting my mac from my phone’s internet!) and I’m raring to share some hobby goodness.

    So without any further ado, let’s take a look at what the incredible PaintSlam Community got done during the month of June 2023! Over to you lovely lot…








    Gaben The II



    Maid of Cake


    Momma Negan







    Terra Luna

    The Painting Pirate

    And that’s your lot for another amazing month. Come see us in the PaintSlam Discord and join the community!

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!

  • #PaintSlam23 April Community Showcase: I escaped Internet Limbo For This

    #PaintSlam23 April Community Showcase: I escaped Internet Limbo For This

    So I’ve been staying at my parents place for a few months whilst we’re waiting for our new apartment to be ready for us (still waiting!) and due to unforseen circumstances we were without internet for the past few weeks. Hence, this April showcase not being up until today.

    But, at least, I have been able to connect my PC to this fabled thing known as “The Interwebs”, so without further ado let me make up for lost time and present the April Community Showcase!

    As always, you can join in yourself by getting involved in the PaintSlam discord! And a huge thanks to the newest PaintSlam patreon supporters: ThatMrShy, Brie Reid, and Cassandra Burn. Thank you so much <3








    Commissar Lewdfang


    Heavy Metal Wars








    Scott Frazier

    Shed Some Skin




    Terra ‘Rose’ Luna-Mae



    And that’s it for yet another month of hobby in the PaintSlam community. Look out next month for a showcase from our Bad Squiddo Event as well as the May Community Showcase! Want to join in? Get in the Discord!!

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!

  • Painting NEW Leagues of Votann as Trans-Hyperian Alliance!

    Painting NEW Leagues of Votann as Trans-Hyperian Alliance!

    Games Workshop very kindly furnished me with a copy of the Leagues of Votann army set, a (sort of) brand new faction for Warhammer 40k to paint up, with a suggestion to do them in one of the schemes presented in the Codex itself. As you can see above, I managed to paint most of the set in time, I’ve just got 10 more of the Hearthkyn Warriors left to finish up.

    You can see my work, and that of other painters from around the Warhammer Community, in the blog post here!

    I wanted to give a little advice on how you can paint your Votann the way I did – it’s a little different to the way they do it in the official tutorials on Youtube as I was kind of working by eye from the Codex and obviously putting in my own touches here and there too.

    So, let’s take a look at the various areas now!

    The biggest and most prominent feature of the models is the striking orange armour. This is what gives the Trans-Hyperian Alliance such a unique look, even amongst the other factions of 40k where orange is rarely featured.

    I began over my White Scar primer with the contrast paint Magmadroth Flame. This was then given a shade of Nuln Oil to deepen the darkness in the recesses, as Magmadroth Flame is a very solid, flat orange right out of the bottle unlike many other Contrast colours. You could instead use one coat of Gryph-Hound Orange if you want less steps, but you’ll get a less even orange to work from.

    Next I used Fire Dragon Bright in thin layers, building up over the darker orange until it was nice and smooth, but leaving the darker colour in recesses and areas of heavy shadow.

    To highlight, I mixed in a little Phalanx Yellow for edge highlighting, before using pure Phalanx Yellow for the very top dot highlights in key areas.

    For the dirty greatcoat of the Kahl, I began by painting the whole thing with Black Legion contrast paint. This is a fantastic paint that covers excellently in one layer to give a smooth, consistent black. I then used Mechanicus Standard Grey and Dawnstone for highlighting the edges and raised folds.

    To dirty the coat up, I took Steel Legion Drab and used a drybrushing technique over the lower third of the coat, being heaviest towards the very bottom. This builds up into a convincing grimy dirt texture and helps ground the model.

    The battle damage was simply dots and scratches with Thondia Brown paint. If you wanted to make it more realistic, you can use the lighter orange/yellow mix to highlight the lower part of every brown scratch to create the illusion of depth, but I was rushing to get as much painted as I could for the article ^_^;;

    For all of the golden details, I began with Retributor Armour paint, then applied Agrax Earthshade over the top of this. I then highlighted with Liberator Gold.

    For the white stripes, I used Corax White. Thinning the paint so it goes on smooth, paint in the outline of the stripe first, then fill it in. Two or three thin layers will get you a lovely smooth white finish. Then, take Fire Dragon Bright and add dots and scratches to the edges and a few of the flat areas to create a realistic worn-off paint effect.

    I painted the trousers and belts with Vallejo German Grey (Corvus Black from GW would likely be much the same), then shaded with Nuln Oil. This was highlighted with layers of thinned Mechanicus Standard Grey and Dawnstone just like the greatcoat.

    For the black weapons (also the armour panels of the hoverbikes!) I began with Black Legion contrast paint all over. This was edge highlighted first with Stegadon Scale Green, then a lighter highlight with Thunderhawk Blue. Finally, a few spots were highlighted with Fenrisian Grey.

    For the skin, I used Guilliman Flesh contrast paint all over to begin with. I then raised up with highlights of Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh. To help the skin look more alive, I thinned Volupus Pink contrast paint down a lot with water and applied it to the nose and cheeks to create a reddish tone to the skin.

    The power axe was painted with Vallejo Game Colour Turquoise. I created highlights by mixing in a little Game Colour Verdigris a tiny bit at a time to create a gradiated stripe texture on the blade, and a nice edge highlight. These colours were also used on lenses and plasma weapon bits too.

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!

  • Getting into the Ghur-oove with Warcry: Heart of Ghur! How to paint retro Horns of Hashut!

    Getting into the Ghur-oove with Warcry: Heart of Ghur! How to paint retro Horns of Hashut!

    Games Workshop very kindly sent me over a box of the new Warcry: Heart of Ghur set, and I am pleased to share my Horns of Hashut warband with you all here. I went for a deliberately 90s retro style, to harken back to the days of the Chaos Dwarfs who were well known for their affiliation with Hashut.

    If you’d like to learn how I painted these models, keep reading!


    I start with an even basecoat of Retributor Armour. Then I apply an all-over wash of Reikland Fleshshade. Next, Guilliman Flesh contrast paint was dotted onto the upper centre of each of the skirt panels to create extra shadow. Highlights were then painted on the edges with Liberator Gold. Areas like the chains and any rings are picked out in Stormhost Silver, then given a shade of Nuln Oil.


    The horns, boots and bombs were all painted Abaddon Black. These then get highlights of Dawnstone with a light drybrush, followed by a more targeted edge highlight where needed. For the horns only, I then apply a thin glaze of Terradon Turquoise contrast paint to add a bit of coolness.


    All the red leather was first painted with Mephiston Red, then given a shade of Agrax Earthshade. Highlights were painted on the raised areas using Evil Sunz Scarlet and Troll Slayer Orange, with a few spot highlights of Phalanx Yellow.


    For the tanned skin, I began with a basecoat of Bugmans Glow, then shaded over it with Darkoath Flesh contrast paint. Highlights were then painted on using Bugmans Glow and Cadian Fleshtone.


    The black weapon shafts were painted the same way as the boots and bombs. The grips were painted with vallejo Goblin Green, washed with Nuln Oil, then highlighted with Goblin Green and Moot Green. The prongs were painted Mephiston Red, then heavily washed Basilicanum Grey, creating darker areas towards the shaft. Highlights were gradually glazed towards the tips of the prongs ending in orange and yellow.


    The bases were painted entirely with Goblin Green, then PVA glue was used to attach grass flock to the top for an old-school grassy field appearance.

    I hope this was helpful to you, and I’d love to see how you paint your Horns of Hashut!

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!

  • Check out my OLDHAMMER Wood Elf Army so far (It’s so beautiful TT_TT)

    Check out my OLDHAMMER Wood Elf Army so far (It’s so beautiful TT_TT)

    Hey folks, as you will probably know I’ve been building an oldhammer Wood Elf army for the last couple of years! Thanks to some canny eBay bidding, some lucky finds and some incredibly kind and generous folks on Twitter I’ve been able to amass the Wood Elf army of my childhood dreams.

    It started out with a focus on the 1996 release for Warhammer 4th edition (soon to be replaced by the exciting new 5th edition), but has since introduced models from the 80s, 2000s and today (to quote my local radio station!)

    So this here blog post is to show you *everything* I’ve painted so far for this army. Now, I’ve still got a heck of a lot of unpainted and unassembled stuff in a big box of lovely metal yet to add, but I think this is already a gallery to be proud of. So grab a cup of tea and some hobnobs, and enjoy…

    Boys from the Wood

    Here you can see the core infantry units in the army. With two full units of 16 archers, 10 Waywatchers, 12 Scouts, 14 Wardancers and 25 Glade Guard (aka Eternal Guard) consisting of 15 of the 90s shield versions and 10 of the 80s models. The Wardancer unit includes the Warhammer Quest wardancer character, who can be played as Wychwethyl The Wild in the 4th edition army book.

    Bark as bad as their bite

    The forest spirits have gotten in on the action too, here you can see my unit of Dryads as well as two classic Treemen, one of which is the original Durthu!

    You can be my Oak of Ages

    Here’s Orion, King in the Woods and his lovely lady, Ariel. This is Ariel before she (re)merged with Alarielle during the End Times of the Old World! I based her colour scheme on that of her appearance in Total War: Warhammer 2.

    Wood you please behave

    Here’s the lesser characters and heroes of the army, who serve underneath Orion and Ariel. This is where some of the more recent models come into play, such as the 2005 Battle Standard Bearer and Spellweaver, and the much more recent Araloth, more commonly known as the Nomad Prince kit. You can also see the custom BSB I made from the plastic Wood Elf hero from Warhammer Quest, based directly on the one seen in the army book and White Dwarf of the era.

    Horsing Around

    My army currently includes two units of Glade Riders, one of which is armed with spears and the other is a unit of archers. I found the archer models much harder to find than the spear ones, probably because the spear chaps used to come in a box set whereas the archers were only available in blister packs. I also love the Elven Attack Chariot, which is one of those fabled kits I always wanted as a child but was never able to obtain. I’m super pleased with how it looks with the rest of the army.

    What a drag-on

    Here’s my centrepiece model, my pride and joy. The Wood Elf Forest Dragon. This is the original version that was used as the base for the later Sisters of Twilight kit. I really tried to capture the colours of the original ‘Eavy Metal scheme with this and it even uses the original banner. I’m absolutely delighted to have this model standing front and centre in the army in my cabinet. Truly one of my all-time favourite Warhammer miniatures!

    This miniature even inspired how I painted the recent Stormcast Eternals dragon that the good folks at Warhammer Community kindly let me paint for an article:

    And, for now at least, that’s the whole of my Wood Elf army. Although it’s certainly not the end of it! Stay tuned to the blog and my social media channels for more classic Oldhammer goodness in the near future! Thanks for reading!

    If you enjoyed this article and want to help support PaintSlam, please consider joining the Patreon! Your support helps me keep the lights on and keep producing content like this!