December #PaintSlam21 Community Showcase… Finishing Strong!

All the hobby thats fit to make you say “whoa” It’s the start of a new year, January is well underway and the official PaintSlam21 End of Year Showcase is done and dusted… but we’re not finished with ’21 until we’ve done the official December showcase. So here we are, Continue Reading

2021 PaintSlam FESTIVE FINALE Community Showcase!

As the year winds down, now is the perfect time to look at what the PaintSlam community painted up for the Festive Finale event! This was a simple challenge to end the year on, to paint models that are predominantly in the festive colours of red, green and white. Let’s Continue Reading


Alright our hobby folks! Hows things in groovetown, then? It’s December, which means it’s time for the November community showcase, sharing the lovely hobby that was submitted into the official PaintSlam Discord during the month of November 2021. Thanks again to Momma Negan for helping me with this article by Continue Reading