Oh my, it has been a little while since I posted a blog post here on the website. I apologise for my somewhat… lax approach to this website here.
Anyway, I figured now was a good time to show you some of what I’ve been working on, so here’s some fun stuff I’ve recently painted up for my Warhammer 40,000 Dark Angels army.

I was fortunate enough to win a box of Indomitus thanks to the lovely giveaway by OrcPainterNerd on Facebook. I’ve not gotten *that* much of it painted yet due to focussing on commission work. But here you can see my first 3 Outriders, a Primaris Lieutenant and 2 squads of 5 Assault Intercessors. I’ve been using mostly the modern Citadel colours, but the armour is based with an ancient pot of Dark Angels Green!

I also painted this Primaris Captain for my Deathwing, also from the Indomitus set. I did a simple headswap with one of the female bio-roiders heads from Statuesque Miniatures, and switched the tilting plate for one from the Dark Angels upgrade sprue.
Then, after a bit of a break I went and painted this, the Dark Angels Legion Praetor from Forge World. I painted it up into 40k colours so he could be used as a Master or something. His left arm is magnetised so he can use either the boltgun or the storm shield. I really enjoyed painting this chap – I don’t get to paint much Forge World.
Finally (so far) is Master Lazarus, who I got in the recent Imperium Supply Drop “Loot Crate” from GW Direct. I had a great time painting this chappy up too, I wasn’t likely to buy him individually at his asking price because it seemed a bit high for a simple model. But as part of a bigger batch of products it was a nice thing to see!
So, what’s next? Well, got a bunch more Indomitus to get painted up. I’m looking forward to tackling the Chaplain and the Judiciar. And I’ve got plans to make a Primaris version of Asmodai, as soon as my Puppets War and Kromlech bits arrive!
Thanks for reading! What have you been working on? Let me know in the comments!