Category: Dark Angels

  • For the Lion!

    For the Lion!

    Oh my, it has been a little while since I posted a blog post here on the website. I apologise for my somewhat… lax approach to this website here.

    Anyway, I figured now was a good time to show you some of what I’ve been working on, so here’s some fun stuff I’ve recently painted up for my Warhammer 40,000 Dark Angels army.

    Primaris Lt, 10 Assault Intercessors and 3 Outriders, from Indomitus

    I was fortunate enough to win a box of Indomitus thanks to the lovely giveaway by OrcPainterNerd on Facebook. I’ve not gotten *that* much of it painted yet due to focussing on commission work. But here you can see my first 3 Outriders, a Primaris Lieutenant and 2 squads of 5 Assault Intercessors. I’ve been using mostly the modern Citadel colours, but the armour is based with an ancient pot of Dark Angels Green!

    Primaris Captain

    I also painted this Primaris Captain for my Deathwing, also from the Indomitus set. I did a simple headswap with one of the female bio-roiders heads from Statuesque Miniatures, and switched the tilting plate for one from the Dark Angels upgrade sprue.

    Then, after a bit of a break I went and painted this, the Dark Angels Legion Praetor from Forge World. I painted it up into 40k colours so he could be used as a Master or something. His left arm is magnetised so he can use either the boltgun or the storm shield. I really enjoyed painting this chap – I don’t get to paint much Forge World.

    Finally (so far) is Master Lazarus, who I got in the recent Imperium Supply Drop “Loot Crate” from GW Direct. I had a great time painting this chappy up too, I wasn’t likely to buy him individually at his asking price because it seemed a bit high for a simple model. But as part of a bigger batch of products it was a nice thing to see!

    So, what’s next? Well, got a bunch more Indomitus to get painted up. I’m looking forward to tackling the Chaplain and the Judiciar. And I’ve got plans to make a Primaris version of Asmodai, as soon as my Puppets War and Kromlech bits arrive!

    Thanks for reading! What have you been working on? Let me know in the comments!

  • A few recent things!

    A few recent things!

    It’s been a little while since I shared some of my recent work to the blog here, so here’s a little bit of an update on what’s been keeping me busy through the latter half of November and this first half of December!

    First up is this Kroot hero from the awesome Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress game. This is an ongoing job where I’m painting the models from the set alongside my other commissions. I had a lot of fun painting this guy – I’ve always loved the Kroot anyway and this model is super characterful!

    This is a miniature I’ve had my eye on for a while for my beloved Dark Angels. It’s the finecast version of the banner bearer that dates back to the mid to late 90s I think, possibly. However old it is, the sculpt really holds up nicely with an absolutely gorgeous banner that was a joy to paint. I placed him upon a piece of tall slate to help him stand out, especially considering he’s competing for attention against his Primaris bretheren now!! I had fun painting the chainsword – they definitely work better if you give them hazard stripes! 😀

    Next up, I painted this little lot here for the Gloomspite Gitz, two Mangler Squigs (one as a Loonboss), a Dankhold Troggoth and no less than six Rockgut Troggoths! I’ve painted the Troggoths before but this is my first time with the new plastic Mangler Squig kit (my previous one being the Finecast one from about 7/8 years ago!) and it was great fun. The squigs these days seem a lot more tadpole shaped rather than space hopper though, I think I prefer the “Space Hopper with Teeth” designs.