#Painthammer2018… and beyond!

Firstly, let me give a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in the success of #painthammer 2018 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc!

In case you were unaware, back at the start of this year I created the #Painthammer2018 hobby log sheet:

The mission was simple. For hobbyists around the world to keep a log of their painting progress throughout the year. Paint a mini or unit, and add it to the log as a completed project. Then the important part – take a photo or two of both the finished work and the painting log, and post it up on social media using the #painthammer2018 hashtag!

It was distinctly on a “no pressure” basis. Just log what you do, no forced goals or specific target to hit. After all, we all hobby in our own way. For some that might mean one miniature a month but for others it might be ten miniatures in a day!

At the bottom of the sheet I added in ‘achievements’. These are totally optional extras which a participant could check off if they happened to complete any of the scenarios in question.

I was pleased to see so many wonderful hobbyists joining in with Painthammer 2018, from hardcore Warhammer 40k painters to people who didn’t touch Citadel minis but used it to log other games and systems too!

So, this leads me to the big topic at hand… PAINTHAMMER 2019!

I’d absolutely love it if #Painthammer2019 could replicate the success, or build upon that, of Painthammer 2018. So I’m opening up the discourse now, with one month before the new year. What would you like to see from next year’s Painthammer project?

Should I just create the form and we all switch to the new hashtag? Or would you like something a little different for the new year?

Remember, the goal is to have this achievable and no-pressure for all levels of hobbyist from the newest young painter to the seasoned veteran.

Please let me know what you think in the comments below or message me on any of my social media channels with your thoughts.

And, finally, I’m thinking of having #painthammer2019 badges/stickers made up. Would you guys be willing to chip in a bit to get these made up so participants could stick them on their hobby boxes, computers or household animals? 

And with that, I’ll leave it there. Thanks again for reading and taking part in Painthammer 2018.  I look forward to seeing you all enjoying the 2019 incarnation!


One response to “#Painthammer2018… and beyond!”

  1. Jimmy Carmine avatar

    I definitely can’t wait for #Painthammer2019 and the return of Hobby Bingo. MH has held back my hobby this year, but between therapy and medication 2019 is shaping up to be a great year for hobby for me!

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