In the month of May, I set a challenge out to the PaintSlam community over in the official Discord channel! I wanted to help support a wonderful small business by the name of Bad Squiddo Games which makes wonderful realistic femme miniatures (amongst other things!). So for this challenge I asked the community to purchase and paint a femme mini or minis and paint them up! This way we get to enjoy some awesome miniatures, plus give a bit of a boost to the very lovely Annie at BSG.
You lovely folks in the community took on the challenge and I’m delighted to be able to share this here showcase with you all. Enjoy these wonderful miniatures from the PaintSlam community!
Pandaemonium_Miniatures (Ambassador Sofia)

Eless (Young adventurer)

Jim1810 (Casandra)

diami03 (dragon)

MamaPaints (em4 Copplestone)

Pyra (Jeanne de Clisson on foot)

Wolvassa (Fliss, goblin heroine)

Ceda_Kuru_Qan (Brynhildr, Shieldmaiden Champion + Svala the Battle Standard Bearer)

Cabe (Bad Squaddo!)



ThatMrShy (Jeanne de Clisson)

MilesTheMighty (Jeanne de Clisson on Horseback)

JewelKnightJess (Badass Bounty Hunter)

HappyFeet (Mary, Female Knight)

PhoenixNMGLB (SOE Annie)

Woohoo! Didn’t everyone do such wonderful work with this event? It’s great to see so many awesome miniatures painted so nicely. I’m really happy with this event! Perhaps we can do this again for another small miniatures business? Stay tuned and join us in the Discord!
Thanks for checking out everyone’s painting!
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