Follow me! Insta, Twitter, Twitch & More…

I thought it might be good to do a quickie run down of my social media and online presence (and why you might want to click that “follow” button!)

Chances are you found my website from one of my social media outlets – I’m fairly active on a number of them. This post is just to run down my main ones and why you might like to follow me on them! I’d also always appreciate your input, comments and shares!


The “biggie” around the world, my Facebook page is there for my commission painting service. I’ll be sharing deals/offers on there periodically as well as what I’m working on and completed projects. A bit quiet at the moment because I haven’t had any commission work for a little while, but it will pick back up!


My twitter is the home of the #Painthammer2018 event and my innermost thoughts. It’s a bit off topic at times, being the go-to for when I have something I wanna share with the world but I always try to re-tweet people’s awesome paint jobs and hobby content too. Follow me on Twitter to keep up to date with everything!


Instagram is the home of my WIP hobby content, selfies and various other pictoral content. I like instagram and try to post there daily where possible. Again, hobby content should really pick up again soon! Let me know if you’re following me so I can follow back.


I haven’t done much on Twitch yet, but the plan is to stream the odd painting session live with you guys. I’d really appreciate it if people could tune in and participate in my streams!


On Pinterest I post up my completed works (there’s a mighty gallery of my works already up there!) and I also have boards for miniatures I liked from other artists amongst other topics.

Anything else?

Mostly my other online presence is here on this blog at the moment. I do have a Youtube channel which is linked in the menu at the top of this website if you’d like to check it out, but I’m not currently very active on it. However I have an archive of videos going back to around 2011 so there may well be something you’ll enjoy there. Check that out!

Finally thanks for taking a look at all my social media, hopefully you all found something of interest!

Jess x


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