As mentioned in a blog post a few months back when I painted up my classic Warhammer Quest Wardancer, Wood Elves were the army that first got me into Warhammer back in the mid 90s (1996, if you want to be super specific about things, just before the release of Continue Reading
My Hobby
My Favourite Wood Elf Miniature Ever!
So back in Ye Olde Nineties, when I was a mere lass with crippling gender dysphoria and less confidence than a small zebra who has to give a speech in front of ten hungry lions, I fell in love with this Wardancer for Warhammer Quest. I was already totally in Continue Reading
A few recent things!
It’s been a little while since I shared some of my recent work to the blog here, so here’s a little bit of an update on what’s been keeping me busy through the latter half of November and this first half of December! First up is this Kroot hero from Continue Reading