My good friend Ben got in touch to tell me about KokoroCon, a new con in Nottingham which had tickets go on sale today. Booked for 1st – 3rd April 2022, the con is due to feature Dealers, a Gaming area, Panels, Workshops, Performances and, of course, Parties.
To quote the organisers:
“KokoroCon is a brand new convention with an experienced team launching April 1st-3rd 2022. Our priority is creating a warm, fun and welcoming environment for convention newbies and veterans alike. Whether your interests lie more in cosplay, anime, videogames, board games, merch buying or listening to guests and panelists talk expertise – there’s plenty for you to enjoy all across the weekend! “
If that sounds like your bag, and you’re looking for cons to attend after the pandemic has settled somewhat, give it a look!
(I was not paid or offered anything for doing this post, it’s just a favour and I think some of you guys will get a kick out of it!)
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