JANUARY #PaintSlam22 Community Showcase!

It’s the first showcase of a fresh new year, I hope you’re all having a lovely year so far. This post will go over the highlights from January’s activity in the PaintSlam discord! Epic huge thanks to Guilty for collating the images and providing some commentary this month! It’s also an absolutely BUMPER month full of amazing hobby! And now, over to you folks…


From Alaisdair, Wilhelm Chaney




“Built -lots- this month, but the Dead of Dunharrow are my only completed project for January”


“Before being inducted into the Iron Peacocks host, Knight Vexillor Arioch Tungolhcræft was in the Carmine Crusaders Stormhost. Known for its commitment to bringing utter devastation to the enemies of Sigmar, many claim Khorne weeps furious tears of blood at being denied their souls.”



From  CritonyEntertainment: “Ecliptor ready to take on some Rangers.”

“Solar Purple Ranger? It’s morphin time!” (And damn do I love the colour!)


From rob (Dad_Mech_Hobbies), “first of hopefully many this year” this guy, who’s head details is giving me uncomfortable flashbacks to the Harkonnens! Love it!


dawfydd: “Big step for me yesterday – painted my first minis since my spinal surgery in 2019, a couple of lances of Battlemechs for a Battletech weekend I’m signed up for at the end of February.”


From Darren: “Half-mad and removed from the song of their mother, the Pe’numbra Glade fight to restore a nocturnal cycle to a far flung and light blasted region of Hysh.”


From Dez “The Scarif 667th for Star Wars Legion. I’m trying to have some fun and paint outside my comfort zone. I normally don’t paint anything clean, I love worn and weathered models “


from dissident: A unit of kitbashed Kairic Acolytes I just finished today! I’m pretty proud of the fact that I think I managed to do the Blanche-y palette without making it too drab and grim 🙂

(I absolutely love these, they look amazing!)




“Guess I’ll call this a “test scheme” for the newer bigger version later in the year.”


” An industrial Ogryn, a chance to practice using florescent paints, hazard stripes, aged brass and an electrical effect” and “An industrial robot, great fun to practice weathering techniques”


Heavy Metal Wars


From HaleysRedComet: “This Halloween Survivor from Kingdom Death shows off his craftsmanship (and physique) by making a White Lion costume for the holiday. I tried to match the official art as closely as possible with this, then decided to paint a Jack-o’-lantern on the base.”

Finished this tabletop level Maghariba Guard “mini”.  Building was the real challenge with this – had to pin the top tail section and some of the leg joints. This is the largest metal mini I’ve ever built and painted, and honestly I just hope it stays together under the stress of handling.

(And damn does it look good! That said, it involves purple, so maybe I’m just biased…)




From our very own glorious leader, the beautiful JewelKnightJess comes this gorgeous built lady, Helga! (I swear I didn’t write this myself! – Jess). I am loving the colours on this shield! It honestly looks like it’s gonna move and bite/lick someone!

Lady B Miniatures


From Lokien: I totally missed this as a topic! I’d like to add my Tzeentch Sorceror on disc as it’s the first model in years that I’ve undercoated in anything but black, and it was actually a lot of work to get colours that bright and saturated, more than I expected when I started it anyway!


Maid Of Cake

From Maid Of Cake: “They’re a little Derpy, but I wanted to get them off my paint table and back on the game board. Painting these made me really appreciate how GW designs their models to be really good for painting. There were a lot of little bits that felt ambiguous. Might go back and touch up the faces, but again this speed paint was really to get them outta my backlog and back into play. (Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion)”

“Edit: Meant to put this in finished-models But I’ll leave it here. Its not the best example of my work. But I’m still proud of it. To me it represents getting the motivation to do something instead of letting it sit while you wait to figure out how to make it perfect.”

Mommy Negan


I think this counts? It’s not huge units but it’s what I got done


From Paul (Pandaemonium_Miniatures), these amazing bases! Those…rocks? look sharp enough to cut myself on! “First hobby of 2022, should have some more stuff finished later today too”



From Pete (Sippster) Sippitt “First model of the new year done, close to finishing the team now”


From R35T, this amazing model, with the comment ‘Base highlight is finished, so calling this done. Now to do the rest of them, should be done sometime in about 20 years.’

 “I’ve got a few that I really like but these two are conversions and the uniqueness means I’m that bit more proud of them”


 “A lil photoshop to spice up my biggest models of the month”


From Rosgakori, their own take on Helga!


from theelusiveshaun: Finished my Ravenwing ATV and a couple of Dunecrawlers.


“Finally done with the Thralls, first full unit of 2022!”


From theposhgoblin (aka Tim): “First mini of the year, pleased with how it all turned out, why not show it off”


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