This month I was commissioned to paint up a couple of Chaos Spawn for a Tzeentch army. I’d never painted any of these before so I thought it would be a fun project!
Check out the pics:
I did something rare, I used a white undercoat where I usually use grey or black. I wanted the blue to be really bright and vivid. I used Thousand Sons Blue and Ahriman Blue, with Drucchi Violet as a shade and final highlights with Temple Guard Blue.
For some of the extremities I mixed purple into the blue to blend it out and get some colour variety, then for the claws and bone areas I painted those black with highlights of Kabalite Green, Moot Green and a final highlight of Averland Sunset.
For the eyes I applied a cover of ‘ardcoat to give them a really eery gross appearance!
These guys were really fun to paint, although I’d love to see a new Chaos Spawn kit since this one is definitely starting to show its age!
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