Tag: Warhammer Underworlds

  • [Painted] Myari’s Purifiers

    [Painted] Myari’s Purifiers

    So my first finished project for #PaintSlam21 is done! Thanks to Stazzeous over on Twitch, I had a voucher for Element Games and could justify buying the new Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm box set!

    So, over the last few days I’ve been working on Myari’s Purifiers, the warband based on the Lumineth Realmlords.

    Check ’em out!

    Bahannar, with his hammer, and Myari Lightcaller the leader of the Warband.
    Ailenn, The Minds Edge (my favourite!) and Senaela the archer.

    You’ll probably notice I went for a rather different colour scheme than the standard Lumineth colours. I wanted to go for something bright and bold, since I’m on my oldhammer kick and these sculpts felt like they deserved it.

    So my inspiration for these? The old 90s Dragon Princes of Caledor!

    How amazing are these!?

    So it was that I came up with this scheme for my Lumineth! And I think they came out really quite nicely. Colours, for those who might wish to copy them, are as follows:

    Prime: Grey Seer Spray

    Red Robes: Flesh Tearers Red (Contrast), Nuln Oil Wash, Highlights with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Wider Red

    Metallics: Stormhost Silver, Nuln Oil Wash, Some areas washed with Contrast Space Wolves Grey, highlights back up with Stormhost Silver.

    Green: Base colour of Vallejo Deep Green, recess shade Space Wolves Grey, highlights Moot Green and Phalanx Yellow.

    Gold: Retributor Armour, Reikland Fleshshade Wash, Highlights with Retributor and Liberator Gold.

    Whites: Corax White base, washed with Space Wolves Grey contrast, highlighted back up to Corax White.

    Bases: Death Guard Green rim and vegetation, Mechanicus Standard Grey rocks, Mornfang Brown branches. Agrax it all, drybrush with Celestra Grey on the rocks. Apply orangey-brown pigment powder to add effect, seal with white spirits or equivalent.

    I hope that’s helpful to anyone who wants to do the same scheme. And watch out for more Wood Elves from myself very soon!