What is PaintSlam 2021?
At its core, PaintSlam is a hobby log which you can print out or put onto your smart device or computer to keep track of what you’ve painted over the course of the year!
It’s no pressure and just for fun! There’s a space on the sheet to mark down any hobby goals you have for the year, and you can keep tracking of the running total on miniatures you’ve worked on throughout 2021. You might surprise yourself with just how much you can do in a year! Or perhaps set yourself a hobby challenge to paint, say, 200 miniatures before the end of 2021.
How do I take part?
It’s simple! Download the #PaintSlam2021 hobby log here:
Click here to download! (editable PDF version)
Once you’ve got your form and you’re ready (from 1st Jan 2021 through to 31st December 2021) simply write in any painting projects you complete – be it a single mini, a terrain piece or a full unit!
There’s columns for game system (EVERY game system is cool, it’s not just for Warhammer!), the unit you painted, the number of models painted for this entry, the running total of models and the date of completion.
Share your hobby!
The real fun in #PaintSlam21 is sharing your progress pictures and finished work on Social media with other people taking part! Simply use the hashtag #PaintSlam21 when you share photos of your miniatures! Some people like to share a pic of how their hobby log is looking at the time too!
Plus if you tag me in @jewelknightjess on Twitter I’ll give you a retweet and maybe you’ll be featured in a blog post!
That’s it! I look forward to seeing your posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Feed Me Games or whatever social platforms you enjoy using!
If you’re enjoying PaintSlam 2021 and want to support me and help me keep the lights on, you can help out by buying me a Ko-Fi using the link in the sidebar! Every little goes a really long way! Thanks so much for taking part in #PaintSlam 2021 and I can’t wait to see what you guys all do!